A creative person must have a vivid imagination that is free to create without constraint.
When you are imagining things, you do not need to be bound by the laws of physics or other rules that govern our normal lives. Set yourself free to explore what you could do under any circumstances. If you come up with a fruitful idea you might be able to modify it to work in reality.
To spark some interesting ideas you could ask yourself some “What if?” questions that break a rule. For example, you could ask yourself how you would solve the problem if you had the strength of Superman. Or, you could ask, “What if cost were not a factor?”
Another important aspect of imagination is to use all of your senses. We already know that using all of your senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) can help you make long lasting memories. Your senses can also be used to enhance creativity. If you think only verbally, then your solutions will be predominantly verbal. Try to imagine smells, sounds and textures when you are thinking about a problem.