The Filet-O-Fish is a curious item on the McDonald’s menu It receives virtually no advertising whatsoever, yet still continues to be sold by the chain despite the fact that …
Monk Steps Math brain teasers require computations to solve. A monk has a very specific ritual for climbing up the steps to the temple. First he climbs up to …
Do you understand Creativity ? Creativity is a mental activity that results in the development of innovative or insightful ideas that change a field of knowledge in a certain …
How well do you remember? #memory One aspect that affects your ability to remember something is how meaningful the information is to you. A doctor is more likely to …
Can you guess the double meaning word Below are words or phrases grouped in pairs. There is a different word that fits in the middle of each set that …
The Power of Positive Words on the Mind Often we hear about the merits of positive thinking, but does this really make any difference or is it just hype? …
Long-term memory differs from Short-Term Memory in several ways. From a practical point of view, it is mostly permanent and has an almost unlimited capacity. The recollection of childhood …
How to Remember better In order to remember something, three things must happen. First, you must receive and learn a piece of information. This is the “Recording” step. Second, …
#4thJuly or Not While it is often said that the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, this isn’t actually correct. In fact, nobody signed it on …