#Exercise Can improve your #Memory Many scientific studies have shown that routine exercise and staying physically in shape can improve memory and slow down normal age related memory decline. …
Time to find out about the speaking clock The service has a long and storied history and even today in the age of near ubiquitous smartphones and the internet …
The left and Right Side of our brains carry out different functions In split-brain patients, the corpus callosum, which connects the left and right hemispheres of the cerebral cortex, …
Find the Goat hidden within the rows of sheep This optical illusion is similar to the popular wheres wally diagrams and books. Within this picture is a goats head …
MC Escher was a famous graphic artist, heres a picture of him lying on the beach in comic form. Looks like a straight forward doddle to begin with, which …
When you behead a word, you remove the first letter and still have a valid word. You will be given clues for the two words, longer word first. Example: …
The Filet-O-Fish is a curious item on the McDonald’s menu It receives virtually no advertising whatsoever, yet still continues to be sold by the chain despite the fact that …
Monk Steps Math brain teasers require computations to solve. A monk has a very specific ritual for climbing up the steps to the temple. First he climbs up to …
Do you understand Creativity ? Creativity is a mental activity that results in the development of innovative or insightful ideas that change a field of knowledge in a certain …